Thursday, June 12, 2014

Oak Lodge School/Multimedia & Graffiti and Art Experience/Banksy Tunnel - June 11, 2014

We began the day by arriving at Oak Lodge School and learning about graffiti from Mr. Paddy Burns, who is a well-known graffiti artist in the London area.  Mr. Burns taught the students how to creatively write their names, first in pencil and then eventually by using spray paint.  After creating some designs, we all went outside to practice applying the design on plywood boards.  We were asked to put on gloves, a mask, and other protective garments due to the heavy breeze.  

 Once the copy was made up,

We finished practicing after about 30 minutes and were directed to pick up a bag lunch from the lunch room and WPSD's students and Oak Lodge students then headed to the Tube for a trip to London's Banksy tunnel, a premiere location to apply art to the walls and one of the few places in London where graffiti is actually encouraged.  When we arrived we saw a mural that was created by Oak Lodge students with the help of Mr. Burns.  We all were then given the opportunity to practice our skills.

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